Why a wilderness fast?
Summer will come to a close and the earth will begin to still. Will you join the rhythms of the Earth as the equinox dawns upon us? Come! Come, sync your soul to shadow and light’s dance. Three nights in the wilderness, three days fast.
A small group of men will be led for this weekend wilderness fast on the Olympic Peninsula. Will you harvest the gifts of summer and as you prepare for fall? Come sit. Together. And alone. Among the trees and near the river.
As wild as you want it to be…I found myself, lost by a river. I went in thinking hunger and loneliness would be my challenges, but they paled to what was unearthed in me.
Phil Beatie, 2023 Wildnerness Fast
Who: You and other men connected to Illuman
What: A 3 day 3 night fast
Where: Gray Wolf River Sequim, WA
Why: Because the Earth’s soul is calling you deeper into yours
Registration for the 2024 Wilderness Fast is now open!