Winter Retreat 2020: Enter the King
Join us for our 6th Annual Winter Retreat, Saturday February 22nd.
With time outside in nature, in council, with ritual, story, and teaching, we will explore together what it means for each of us to embody the archetype of the King at this moment in each of our lives. Whether as an elder in the final season of life, or as a young man, all the stages of the life cycle of the King invite us into fuller life, and to create and hold Life on behalf of the entire realm. With a world full of immature kings, now more than ever we need humans who will answer the call of the ancient ones, and step into who they most deeply are. What does it look like in your particular contexts for you to move into your inherent dignity with, love, strength, wisdom, vision, and fidelity? Come and enter the conversation…
February 22nd from 9am to 8/9pm,
Mosswood Hollow
20215 320th Ave NE,
Duvall, WA 98019
Current Illuman of WA Members/donors $135,
Standard Registration $155,
Supporting Registration $175+
Pre-Approved Scholarship Price $135
(Gourmet lunch and dinner provided for all. No guarantees of refund after February 1st.)
How to Register
To register:
- send an email to with your name, phone number, address, and dietary restrictions, and a note as to your preferred payment method from the two options below.
- Send a check to Illuman of Washington at
19110 – 17th Ave NW
Shoreline WA 98177 - OR Pay via Paypal or Credit Card Here
What to Bring:
Journal and pen, clothing and shoes that allow to be outdoors in cold/wet weather, more stuff is TBA